Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Did you miss me? :)

Hello as I stated in the previous post. I am in a state of transition. I lost 9lbs! woot! I will upload new pics soon. I never did snag my Patricia Fields boots grrr..who wears a size 6?! Anyway this transitional period in my life is the hardest. I am single, I have a new apartment, and I am unhappy as of now. I am taking everything in stride and bringing the joy back into my life. There are the many things I am grateful for...my adorable son, my life, my job grr although its not where I want to be, but I am working on a way out! GOD has been great to me so why so unhappy? I want to do things on my own terms I hate conforming to others standards ie: working in corporate america aka a cut throat society where teamwork is a joke and everyone wants to step on you to get a head lol not for me..I love freedom of expression I love art I love moving around I can not sit behind a desk all day yuck! How do I find my happiness without sacrificing my paycheck lol million dollar question as I said I am working on it!

My ex-boyfriend calls me selfish and flakey which I am, these traits are what keep me interesting! lol I don't like sitting still my mind is always jumping to the next thing, but what always stayed consistent was the love of my son and my love for dance. My work schedule takes time from both of my loves. I need both in my life like I need air! The tasks at hand is to turn my two passions into my source of livelihood.  

I love laughing so this little tidbit at the bottom is something to make you laugh too!
Love, Live, Laugh, and that is it!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

**Under construction**

I will be back I am going through a period of transition, but i will return!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A word from the not so wise..but I am getting there!

I ponder about everything in my life especially being a protective mom (isn't that a redundant statement?!)

  • Am I doing this thing called life correctly?
  • What will my son grow to be?
  • Will he still look at me with great admiration? Or feel a little dissapointment?
  • Am I making the right decisions? etc, etc, etc...
I have no answers for these way too deep questions...

Naz at my best friends wedding with "Ricky Raccoon"
As I get oldish :) I feel that being who you are and being free is the key to life. You don't have to fit anyone's mold. STAND OUT and STAND UP for you. YOU are all you have in this world! Who is to say what I am doing is right? Who is to say it is wrong? I may sound like a woman suffering from insomnia right now and I am...but nevertheless I want to live every second of this life for pure unadulterated happiness.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Stuff I Adore But Can't Afford

I am stepping out! Where? Nowhere! But if I was I would don:

Betsey Johnson's Sequince on Lace Twinklebelle Dress: $ 450

With a pair of: Satin & Lace Slingback Christian Louboutin's $795

I adore Cocktail Rings I found this one:

It is so funky! I have no price for this little gem!

 A lil make up and some layers a la Sanaa Lathan:

and I am ready to go again...Nowhere but I adore it all! :)

Snow Day!

So I am snowed in today with my little munchkin. I am doing some stretches and rocking out to the MJ experience, because Naz will not have it any other way. I drank 4 8 oz glasses of water and I see a dramatic difference in my skin. It actually looking clearer! Not using any products on my face just water and a washcloth. Who new? Well the real reason why I don't use acne products is because I am afraid it will break me out. So I have been drinking nothing but water and switched up my diet. I am really seeing results but the year is still let me continue to pursue this long journey.

The only real "cure" to acne..


$170 Patricia Fields Spiked Heels
I can afford these I want them like now!
Pics will be up sooner than later!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Stuff I Adore But Can't Afford

GUCCI (Heavy sigh)

It is all so fierce! You wanna know the prices?
  •  Fringe Jacket $4500
  • Cropped Jodphur Pant $1900
  • Strapless drape top $795
  • Belt with Tassle $690
  • "Inga" heeled open toe booties $ 940
  • Bag $4200 
Okay I know your Gucci but Dang! I got take out a loan on one outfit Yikes! But I adore it!

I am back!

Ok, I have been gone for a minute but I am back! Who missed me? Anyone? lol Anyway I am sick it sucks. I am over this winter crap Give me spring!!!!!!!!!! Welp as far as my goals go. l lost 5 lbs! yay! I have a long way to go. I lost weight now it is time to tone, tone, tone...

I was on my sister in my head's site fashionbombdaily.com and it inspired me. So I am creating a new segment on my blog called (drum roll please) "Stuff I Adore But Cant Afford!' I love fashion all fashion expensive and cheap but the really great stuff are expensive ie Guiseppe heels. O Lord one day I will wear a pair and be GREAT!
lol I am already great they would just be awesome to have.

ooooooo MAMA like! These beauties are sold out! (heavy sigh...not that I was buying them or anything, but still heavy sigh)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Worked from home today!

So I worked from home today due to this crazy snow. I thought it would be more fun, but nah. The best part was chillin' with Naz. I really value that time I truly get to spend with him. But, he eventually got bored with me and wanted to go to my mother's house. So...that's is where he is now.

Now today I only ate a gingerbread cookie with 2% milk. But, for cardio I shoveled the "g-ride" aka my car out of the snow and did about 15 minutes of the Michael Jackson Experience.

I have a goal within a goal now! My son is turning 6 this year...omg I am going to have a 6 year old! Sorry, reality just set in. Anywho..I decided to have his birthday celebration an indoor waterpark in April. You know what that means....bathing suit time has come early. Oye! I need to see some noticeable results before I step in a bathing suit! OMG what am I going to do? Welp, I researched online to find something that I can incorporate more cardio in my everyday.

I stopped at my favorite blog of all time  fashionbombdaily.com, and my girl Claire had a fabulous article on how she has lost weight and how do some here readers lose weight. Some of her bombshells were swearing by this site called Bodyrock.tv. So I mozeed on over to that site and OMG. That girl Zuzana is a beast! Her abs are INSANE! Now if I wanted to see results of any kind I need to stop at this site everyday! WOO!

Here is a before shot of my ABS *parental discretion is advised*

Can you say Packed Sausage?...wtf!

This was not my finest hour, but I digress. I need to get my "situation" together. I am trying to look close to this:

Hey, I said close!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

What a saturday!

So all week I ate healthy I am very proud of myself. For once I was consistent in my healthy eating.
Monday thru Thursday Breakfast was  Egg white omelet, with red, green, yellow peppers, a sprinkle of cheese, Turkey bacon, whole wheat toast Snack: Banana, or an apple, Dinner varied with wonton soup, or a sandwich at panera bread ( I love the chipotle chicken sandwich). I only eat 2 meals a day due to my work schedule 2pm-11pm. I am only drinking water! It is not so bad I must admit.

So today me and Naz are working out to the Michael Jackson Experience on the Wii. If I was utilize this Wii more often I would look like Naomi Campbell..uhh maybe that is pushing it. So today I ate a bowl of HoneyNut Cheerios and 2%  milk.  I will also do some stretches I am trying to get my split back Lord be on my side. :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Im getting it all out right now!

Ok so my procrastination kicked in smdh... I just made me and Naz (my son) some fried chicken, white rice, and fried spinach. Can you say..I OD'd! So tomorrow starts my diet/exercise. How will I do it? Well I am taking the old fashion way eat in moderation, exercise, and vitamins. No expensive weight watchers or crazy gym membership. Man who am I kidding I would let them bills go into collections. I don't have time for extra bills!

Right Now I am 162lbs
Target weight: 142lbs..ish

Before shot: look at my arms....smh I am at my heaviest since my son uhh 5 years ago! No excuses!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life (oh boy how corny was that!) Anyway...I set up this blog to obligate change in my life!

Oh yea my name is Aja and I am 28 years old, single mother, aspiring entrepreneur, and  serial procrastinator!
I know what you are thinking entrepreneur and procrastinator dont mix..well I know that hence the blog...duh!
Well I have vowed to myself that the procrastinator in me has to die and this year is her funeral.

I have a tremendous support system, praises all due to the Almighty God! I am dead set on starting and finishing this year.

Things I wish to accomplish:

  1. Clearing up this God-forsaken ACNE oooh how I hate it!
  2. Losing 20lbs (everyone says that, so what!) I need to get it right and tight!
  3. Starting my business. My dance studio has to take off I am tired of working for the MAN! I need freedom!
  4. Finish setting up my apt it looks like a just moved in its been 3 months for goodness sakes!

Care to join my on my journey? Hop on because I need moral support from friends, family and strangers I will probably never meet, but hey that is why I blog!