Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life (oh boy how corny was that!) Anyway...I set up this blog to obligate change in my life!

Oh yea my name is Aja and I am 28 years old, single mother, aspiring entrepreneur, and  serial procrastinator!
I know what you are thinking entrepreneur and procrastinator dont mix..well I know that hence the blog...duh!
Well I have vowed to myself that the procrastinator in me has to die and this year is her funeral.

I have a tremendous support system, praises all due to the Almighty God! I am dead set on starting and finishing this year.

Things I wish to accomplish:

  1. Clearing up this God-forsaken ACNE oooh how I hate it!
  2. Losing 20lbs (everyone says that, so what!) I need to get it right and tight!
  3. Starting my business. My dance studio has to take off I am tired of working for the MAN! I need freedom!
  4. Finish setting up my apt it looks like a just moved in its been 3 months for goodness sakes!

Care to join my on my journey? Hop on because I need moral support from friends, family and strangers I will probably never meet, but hey that is why I blog!