Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Worked from home today!

So I worked from home today due to this crazy snow. I thought it would be more fun, but nah. The best part was chillin' with Naz. I really value that time I truly get to spend with him. But, he eventually got bored with me and wanted to go to my mother's house. So...that's is where he is now.

Now today I only ate a gingerbread cookie with 2% milk. But, for cardio I shoveled the "g-ride" aka my car out of the snow and did about 15 minutes of the Michael Jackson Experience.

I have a goal within a goal now! My son is turning 6 this year...omg I am going to have a 6 year old! Sorry, reality just set in. Anywho..I decided to have his birthday celebration an indoor waterpark in April. You know what that means....bathing suit time has come early. Oye! I need to see some noticeable results before I step in a bathing suit! OMG what am I going to do? Welp, I researched online to find something that I can incorporate more cardio in my everyday.

I stopped at my favorite blog of all time, and my girl Claire had a fabulous article on how she has lost weight and how do some here readers lose weight. Some of her bombshells were swearing by this site called So I mozeed on over to that site and OMG. That girl Zuzana is a beast! Her abs are INSANE! Now if I wanted to see results of any kind I need to stop at this site everyday! WOO!

Here is a before shot of my ABS *parental discretion is advised*

Can you say Packed Sausage?!

This was not my finest hour, but I digress. I need to get my "situation" together. I am trying to look close to this:

Hey, I said close!